Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Upcoming decisions - a blessing in disguise?

As some of you have heard, from myself and my parents, I had an ear doctor's appointment this past Friday to go over my scans. Diagnosis: cholesteatoma (which we knew) and immediate surgery. As in, if you can't get the surgery in France within the next few weeks, you have to go home now - you can't wait till the mid/end of June. Not what we were expecting.
Now, everything was in French, so I may have missed things or understood things incorrectly, but my understanding is that the urgency is due to the growth being so near my facial nerves. The cholesteatoma is also right behind my ear drum, causing my loss of hearing. So, I have an appointment this Friday with a specialist and will find out more details (better estimation of cost, treatment options, pre and post care, etc). Right now the base price of the operation would be around 2,000 euros and the hospital stay 1,000 euros per day (up to three days). Specific costs will depend on what all will be necessary to remove the growth and hospital accommodations. I had purchased travel insurance for my year in France, and it should cover everything, but there is always the chance of it being denied when I actually send in the claim. (Oh, by the way, if I were a French citizen, I wouldn't have to spend a dime...)

I think we have decided to have the surgery in France because I have no network set up in the States so I probably wouldn't be able to get a surgery for awhile if I came back. Also, there are many very skilled specialists for this type of surgery in all the major cities in France. Furthermore, the ear doctor I have gone to here is personal friends with one of these top level specialists and he is sending me to this person (and calling him personally to ask him to 'take me under his wing').

With all of these unexpected developments, my trip plans with Michelle have been put on hold - hopefully just until I know when I'll have to have check-ups and if it's okay for me to travel (I know I can't travel by plane for 6-8 weeks, but there are buses and trains - they just take more time). I want to try to do everything (or at least most things) that we were talking of doing (as does Michelle, I'm sure), but I do have to say I've got some pretty amazing friends - when I talked to her about all of this, her reply was, "Don't worry about it. If we can only travel around France, that's fine. And if you can't get the surgery till after I get there and I just take care of you the whole time, that's fine too." Again, I hope neither of these are the case, but you never know.

Mom and dad are trying to figure out if mom can come over (or if that money goes to the surgery in case insurance doesn't end up covering it). It would be nice to have her, but at least I've got Mimi here. Much better than not having any family at all... and she's such a wonderful aunt :)

Well, I've got to head out here in a few minutes. I'll try to keep you all updated on the developments as I get more details.


  1. Krista- We are praying for you! Both my family and the church family at Alpha. We all love you so much. Praying for God's guidance as the process continues, peace for you as you make decisions, wisdom for your doctors, and positive outcomes. Love and blessings, Melody
