Just two days after my excursion to Mont St Michel, I had the wonderful opportunity to meet and stay with a lovely family in Saverne - just outside of Strasbourg. I took a train and Agnés met me and drove me to her house and proceeded to take me around Alsace and Strasbourg for the next two days. But I get a bit ahead of myself. I'm not sure that I ever mentioned this before, but way back in the fall, at the General Assembly meeting I attended for Grain de Blé (les Semailles) I met Agnés and she invited me to come to her place if it would work for Grain de Blé. I was still taking classes, so it wasn't a possibility then, but I thought about the invitation many times and hoped something would come of it. I didn't hear anything for many months, and finally I decided to start asking some questions - which led to my emailing her and asking if I could still take her up on her invitation. I do so wish that I could have been able to stay with them a bit longer - they are a lovely family and Alsace is such a beautiful place, but I'm glad that I had the courage to ask and the opportunity to go, even just for a couple of days.
Agnés is an artist (specifically a weaver), and it is evident from the moment you walk into her house.
My first evening there, Emmy, her daughter, invited me to a Zumba class - my first time in about 2 years, and I did really well. I guess trekking across Paris with my suitcase has done more for my physical health than I realized. I was pretty amazed at how well I kept up...
The next morning, Agnés and I visited a monastery, of Saint Odile, and then drove around to these quaint little villages that are scattered around everywhere. it was lovely. I didn't take many pictures because I was just soaking it in, but here are a few from the monastery...
Not at the monastery, but a artists village |
Looking out over the valley |
The next day we went into Strasbourg. She drove me around and explained the architecture. Then we walked a bit, went to the Notre Dame de Strasbourg, ate some lunch and took a boat tour. Again, a lovely day.
Notre Dame - Gothic style, but the intricate stage |
The organ |
The Pulpit |
Steps of the pulpit |
Astrological Clock |
Pillar of Angels |
Side of Notre Dame |
We were on a covered boat, so there are some reflections... |
I returned to Mimi's on Thursday for my hearing test - and my time in Alsace came to an end...
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