Monday, February 17, 2014

Curried Cauliflower Soup

I assume there is some curiosity about last Thursday... It went pretty well, for the most part. The youngest wasn't too fond of me in the morning, so the oldest helped get her up and as ready as possible. Since she wouldn't let me change her, I packed her clothes for the day and took them with us to her nounou's. It was raining heavily, and we couldn't get her feet in her boots (she had footsies on her pjs) so I had to carry her. She fussed and kicked at first, but eventually calmed down. Whether that was because I wasn't responding to her fussing or if she recognized where we were going, I haven't a clue. As soon as we dropped her off, the older two kids and I rushed to their respective schools, and thankfully we were not late. I collected the middle girl for lunch and we ate, played hide and seek, and she played with my hair until it was time to go back to school. The afternoon was a bit shaky. The youngest was not happy to see me when I picked her up at 5:30. Her nounou tried to talk her into not crying, and she stopped, until we were out of site of her house. Then she cried for about 30 or 45 minutes, but once we got back to the house (after getting the oldest) she was just fine. She stopped crying, talked to me, played with me, let me hold her, ate her food. I even got her to change into her pj's and brush her teeth, (though she wouldn't let me change her diaper). Then papa came home, so I didn't need to get her to bed (thankfully). The next morning was back to normal, but at least I had one good evening :)

Friday morning, Tim and I met Mimi and I went with her (we did some shopping and I got two new jackets!). My scan was that morning, but we won't have any results until sometime this week. Not sure what I'm hoping for. Thankfully I've got some distraction coming up. I get to help with the ski camp!!! I'll leave this Saturday and it lasts 5 days. Not entirely sure of the details, so I'll just have to share after the fact :)

A couple of weeks ago I made a delicious curried cauliflower soup (link to recipe below). As I don't have an oven, I didn't bake the cauliflower, just sauteed it. I also don't have a way to puree anything, so it wasn't a smooth soup, but I preferred it that way. I made it a bit too spicy (even for me) mostly because I made the thai curry paste from scratch and didn't do such a good job at measuring. But it was oh so good. 

Well, won't have internet access for a bit, so till I do :)

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